Chamois Hunting in The Red Rocks

Chamois Hunting in The Red Rocks

Picturesque landscapes with small villages, great wine and food are some of the ingredients that make hunting in Provence unique and make you a memory of a life time.


Tour 7 Red Stags In Portugal

Tour 7 Red stags in Portugal - Hunting In Portugal

Tour Overview

Bordering Portugal and Spain, on the riverbanks of the river Tagus, is the National Park Tejo. Our hunting territory is bordering this diverse park which one of the greatest populations of red deer in Portugal. Hunting in inland Portugal is an incredibly experience with its bushlands, eucalyptus forests and very hospitable people.  


Bordering Portugal and Spain, on the riverbanks of the river Tagus, is the National Park Tejo. Our hunting territory is bordering this diverse park which one of the greatest populations of red deer in Portugal. Hunting in inland Portugal is an incredibly experience with its bushlands, eucalyptus forests and very hospitable people.  

The Natural Park Tejo is located about 2 h drive form Lisbon. It would be worth making a stop-over in Lisbon and experience what was once the center of the world during the Portuguese colonization of large parts of the world.

The area where we hunt is sparsely populated and with its hot and dry climate the Tagus river is an oasis for red deer.

What Is Included In Our Tour Price
Rifle Hunting – Price Example For 4 Days Accommodation / 2 Days Hunt

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